Monday, October 31, 2005

Emily Nicole Ellsworth

Many of the readers of this blog should already know who Emily Ellsworth is, but for those who stumbled upon this site, or just unconsciously feel drawn to it, I would like to show and tell you about the girl that (hopefully) one day will be a member of the Crum family. This will be brief.

Emily is a graduate student at Indiana University, getting her Masters in Speech and Hearing to become a Speech Language Pathologist. These studies consume a huge amount of her time and energy, but she still finds the time to work at Sherwood Oaks Christian Church, where her dad is senior minister, as well as spending many moonlight evenings with moi!! She is the older of two children born to Tom and Elsie Ellsworth, her sister Rebekah is a junior at IU, studying nursing. We enjoy shopping together and she loves eating at Italian restaurants, especially Carraba's, The Olive Garden, and a local joint called D'Angelos. While our tastes in movies and music differ drastically (she doesn't understand my music), we seem to get along quite well, and after three years and counting, our relationship continues to grow stronger. I often wondered why God puts certain obstacles in our lives, but I have found out that they have made me stronger, and that they have led me to the girl that He wants me to spend the rest of my life with. Just wanted y'all to get know her.

Friday, October 28, 2005

("Take that Mark!" - original art by William)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Remembering Big Bear

There are a few things that I remember about our time at Big Bear, but I think you're all gonna have to help me clarify my memory. In other words, I'm not sure if what I remember is Big Bear, or Washington state... that whole time of my life kinda' runs together. All that's to say, here's what I think I remember about Big Bear.

One thing's for sure, the only nightmare that I ever remember having (I know that I had others, but this one I remember in detail) was at Big Bear. The dream was that some robbers came to our cabin and were interrogating me, trying to get me to tell them where Mom's purse, the wellspring of all wealth, was. Of course I resisted telling them, and when they left me to go find it, I ran and hid it (or something like that). The scary part about it was that the dream took place in the very cabin that we were staying in, so when I woke up I still was afraid that the robbers would come back.

The other thing I remember is that the cabin was an A-frame – I'm not sure that this is true, it just sticks in my mind for some reason. Also, I have a memory of getting bows-and-arrows (with suction-cup ends) and shooting them at some cardboard target outside (though this could have been a Rouge River memory)...

So what do you all remember, if anything?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

AuthorHouse - Book Covers

(image copyright authorHOUSE 2005)

So for those of you who don't know (and I kind of hope that all the Crums do know this), but I work at a publishing company, AuthorHouse, designing book covers. Here is an example of why I love my job so much. This author wanted an Asian woman holding a glass of wine in one hand and a fortune cookie in the other. Of course, we don't have stock photography that meets that criterion, so I had to make it from multiple images. It’s a lot of fun. Some of you may remember that this is my favorite thing to do with my free time anyway, so to get paid to do it for other people is great.

"If He's Useless We Don't Want Him Here"

Here's the first useless fact to escape my mind and find its way to the pages of this blog:

I am still the tallest Crum

Monday, October 24, 2005

El Matador

Okay, so it's not a foreign film, it's really just "The Matador" and it looks like it might get a few laughs. The basic plot works like this, regular Joe (Greg Kinnear) needs to get a new job so that he can make enough money to stay in his really nice house and buy his really lame polo shirts. He's having a hard time getting the job, so his friend (Pierce Brosnan) helps him out a little (thus the blowing up of cars and the shooting up of drug lords). The catch is... both men end up with very frightening mustaches, which begs the question... is the Tom Selleck 'stach coming back? Oh please, not that!

So why did I choose to review this film, well, I thought one part of it fitting... check out the last lines and tell me who that is? I'll give you a clue... no, wait, never mind, I won't give you a clue.

Welcome to the Crum blog

So this is it... the idea is that we all, the Crum family, can now share our thoughts, ideas, and pictures on one blog! That means you will get all the sports updates you could want from the minds of Matt and Thomas (and POP?); you can get all the movie info you want from Peter, Ben, and Nate; you'll get awesome drawings from William, Jesse (and POP?); and you get millions and millions of useless facts from the likes of David, Stephen and Jon! Mindbenders from the mind of David and Elisabeth... and newcomer insights from Michal and Jess... there may even be the occasional outsider commentary on how awesome the Crum family is (aka: a post ghost-written by a Crum, in the third person). Hold on to your assumptions... because here come the Crums

Please Note: I am not responsible for leaving anyone out of the preceding post... I think I got everyone though.