Friday, March 28, 2008

Bad Words: Part Two

NOTE: For those of you at home (under the age of David), you may want to read this one quitly to yourself thus avoiding a possible bar-of-soap in the mouth.

NERD (Definition: A person with limited social, but advanced technological skills and interests)

Even though calling someone a "Nerd" is not necessarily an insult, we were certainly not allowed to do so as children (Mom may contest that we are still not allowed). It's funny how calling someone a name, especially one that is only defined by the intention by which it is called, can produce such pain. For some reason, it really hurt to be called a nerd, or even to be called "dummy fummy". I mean really, who tarewles?

Due to the restrictions (and harsh enforcement) on using the word, we often cleverly called each other "dren", which as I'm sure our astute readers realize is simply the inverse of the word nerd. This tactic worked less well with names like "dork" and "idiot" simply because the inverse is very difficult to say (especially if you already have a speach impediment).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Post #200

Opened for business on October 24, 2005, The Crum Family Blog has now reached 200 posts. Articles range from the inane to the insane to the downright unintelligible (which could be considered both inane and insane). Keep posting Crums, and keep reading Crums and others...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Thank God I'm A Bloomington Boy

After longer than originally planned I think my stay in Maryland is coming to an end this June. I think I'm coming home for good. After all I am the biggest Hoosier redneck theres ever been!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

All Grown Up

Daniel just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Full Quiver

It started on Sunday night, a lone car heading south on 37. True, very few marked this event, seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, little did they know that "the invasion" had begun.

As the middle child stepped from his car, his foot shod in the readiness of conquest, it was as if a light broke forth in the night. A solitary glow emerged from the darkening night, heralding a week full of wondrous events unexpected, unseen, un-looked for by the simple folk of the small town of Bloomington.

"Welcome brother" spoke out a voice from the shadows, "I trust your journey was pleasant and uneventful." The speaker emerged from the shadows and the traveler could see it was his elder brother. Benjamin the Bearded they called him; simply "Ben" to those who knew him well. "Yes, an uneventful journey indeed, but hark, we must away to the refuge of your home. There are eyes that may pierce even this darkness and the wind bears a whisper that I dare not trust."

"When do the others arrive?" asked Benjamin, as his under-aged brother drained the last drops of his non-alcoholic brew. Thomas, for so was the middle child's name, bowed his head between his shoulders. His eyes darted around the room as if some unseen evil lurked in the shadows. "Soon" he said in one breath, barely a whispered. "Nathaniel, the Painted, arrives by coach at noon tomorrow, the others are close behind."

"Then it has truly begun. I dare say I never fully believed that this day would come and now it is upon us."

"Verily, the day is here." Thomas leaned back in his chair. A broad smile overtook his face and he laughed. The shadows flickered and darted. "The evil will linger no longer, the Family Crum will soon be fully united."

"Well it's not like the stars are aligning with the planets" broke in Benjamin's wife, Michal the Wise, "you boys are really way too full of yourselves." But the men had not heard her. They were already deep in thoughts of conquest and glory; and the wind continued to whisper though it's tone had begun to change.

To be continued...