Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Star Wars VII

We all new this was going to happen. It already happened. Lucas made I, II, and III and that should have never happened. He has remade IV, V, and VI and that should not have happened.

But, we should have known, since we all went to the theater and saw every single one of these. We gave him money. We condoned it. Its really in all honesty our fault that Jar Jar exists.

As I said over on facebook, I hope that Disney picks Stephen Herek to direct the next trilogy. I think his reputation speaks for itself... and I am serious. Bill and Ted, Mighty Ducks, and The Three Musketeers have the kind of humor and charm that the first three Star Wars films had.

He can just higher J.J Abrams or Chris Nolan to up his special effects.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Better Late Than Never

I realize that I missed celebrating Leif Erikson Day by a few weeks, but Edwardo just posted something over on his blog which reminded me.  Isn't it so much cooler to know that a viking discovered America instead of some whiny Italian guy...