Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brotherly Love (Part II)

We Meet at the top of a really high tower.
We dance a little.

We say hello.

I say goodbye.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Vampire for the Weekend

For fans of Vampire Weekend, or those who wish they could be but object to some of the language in their songs, check this out:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Best Film of 2008

Unfortunately the best film of 2008 wasn't nominated for tonight's Academy Awards. I must begin by saying that this time around I haven't seen all the nominees in the category of Best Picture. Actually I've only seen two, "Benjamin Button" and "Slumdog". That being said, my pick "The Dark Knight" deserves recognition before either of those two, and based on what I know about the other nominees I'm pretty confident in my choice. "The Dark Knight" is everything a great film should be. It has dynamic, interesting characters. It has plot that is well constructed, layered with complex depth. It is a visually amazing acheivement, coupled with a great score and rich sound. There is a purpose and meaning that extends beyond he screen, making it more than a visceral experience, allowing it to have relevance outside the theater.

When I first saw the film last Summer I was of course swayed by my anticipation and all the emotions that come with being excited about something new. I was not dissapointed, but perhaps I was a little distracted. I have seen the film three times since, (including once quite recently at home) and the subsequent viewings and the time that has passed have left me with an even greater appreciation for the film and the performances contained within.

I should start first with the director Christopher Nolan. He is one of my favorite directors, and maybe one of the most underappreciated. Starting back with "Memento", then "Batman Begins" and of course "The Prestige", he has made some of the most interesting films in the last ten years. In "The Dark Knight" he takes what could of been a huge mess of characters and plot, and is able to tie everything together so beautifully that only later to you realize how grand the scope of this undertaking was. Seriously, by the time we get to the Harvey Dent transformation, that was a whole movie right there. But Nolan gives us the sequel too. He's not interested in teasing us and dividing a film for box office receipts. He realizes that the second and first acts of this story are so dependent on each other that they should not be seperated. Next I'm going to talk about the actors, but really Nolan must be given credit there too. He saw the potential where so many of us feared disaster. Wrong casting can destroy a film, but Nolan knew what he was doing. Of course I am especially impressed by his take on the Joker. What is amazing is that I would have suspected that there would be temptation to add bits of perfomance that didn't work to pay tribute to Heath Ledger. But I think that Nolan must have done the opposite. There is probably even more footage that we'll never see because Nolan crafted the perfect Joker edit, and it is an incredible tribute.

This isn't Christian Bale's movie. This movie belongs to Bale, Ledger, Eckhart, Caine, Oldman, Gyllenhaal and Freeman. Gary Oldman is a great actor, he can play larger than life roles. He's probably one of the scariest monsters to ever inhabit the screen. Yet here he is so real as a man of conviction, fears, hope and sadness. Michael Caine is Batman's inner voice of reason. The relationship has such abruptness and tenderness. Ralrely do films about father figures have so much depth as the relationship shown and implied between Caine and Bale. The only problem I have with Maggie Gyllenhaal is they should have known better and put her in the first film as well. Aside from that minor distraction, she is also an actress who is able to make you feel that you know her really well without actually having that much screen time. Doesn't Morgan Freeman make you wish that you knew him personally and he could just be you friend? Aaron Eckhart was perfectly cast across from Christian Bale. Here he is able to hold his own, and convincingly set up the inevitable conclusion. Bale is Batman. Alright, let me get this out of the way though... Talking in the deeper voice might not be the airtight disguise that Batman should be going for. Bruce Wayne dons the Batsuit, creates elaborate alibis, and has a secrest lair, yet when altering his voice he falls back on just lowering it an octave? I'd almost rather see him carry the Batpad and Batpen so he could pass notes. Couldn't he afford a voice synthesizer or something? Anyways it's a minor gripe I know, but it bothers me nevertheless. So back to Christian Bale. He doesn't get the central role that he had in the previous film, but thats alright. He plays his part consistently and maybe more than anything else provides a worthy opponent to the villains. And then there's Heath Ledger's Joker. The line in the interrogation room where he compares Batman with himself is so telling. His varying explinations of his scarred face. His bodylanguage and facial expression in different situations. His sense of humour. The magic trick, and his setup thereof. Ledger created a great film performance that is scary, funny and sad.

"The Dark Knight" isn't going to win Best Picture tonight, but in my heart it already has. Was that corny enough for you?

Monday, February 16, 2009


Zion 'ate' 'solid food' for the first time tonight. 'Ate' is a stretch since most of it came right back out again. 'Solid food' is pushing it because "slop" is not usually considered solid.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Somethin' Cookin'

To make a long story short... I was laid off last Wednesday and started my new job at Cook Medical this past Monday. I am a brand copywriter for the Urology division. I have a desk, right across the hall from the bathrooms. I keep telling people that this helps me research my work. While I'm not sure of the full scope of my duties, so far it has included writing copy for medical periodical advertisements, copy for product launch books, copy for product datasheets - pretty much anything that deals with Cook brand urological products, I will be writing the copy. I'm not even through my first week at Cook, but I am excited for the possibilities that working there might present. The position is temporary for now, filled coincidently through Employment Plus, but would hopefully turn into a permanent position. The work allows me to get back into writing – which is a plus, the facility is beautiful and the people are friendly – they even make sure to invite me to eat lunch in the cafeteria with them (yes, Cook has its own cafeteria that serves breakfast and lunch for really cheap). God has been so good to me (and Emily). His timing on this was an amazing blessing; He didn’t even give us time to worry. We’re so thankful for everyone’s prayers.

David Letterman

I remember watching home-recorded VHS tapes of the David Letterman show. I think Peter used to stay up and watch him back in the day (thus knowing how to make the David Cookiemonster Show). He used to be really funny, now, what I've seen recently he just seems to have turned into a crude, dirty old man. However, this recent interview with Joaquin Phoenix is, by far, some of the funniest television I have seen in a long time. The only problem is, it's all at Joaquin's expense, I think that guy is out of his mind. Check it out here:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

That PC Guy

The guy from the PC commercials, John Hodgman, has written another book. His first book, Areas of My Expertise, an attempt to compile all world knowledge (minus sports) into a single 264 page book, was great (it was a free download on iTunes a while back). His new book is an extension on this idea (containing history, because we keep getting more of it, and the future, because we still have some left). He reads his own book on the audiobook and is accompanied by Jonathan Coulton, his friend from college who enjoys an underground/cult music following in the nerd/computer programmer/comic book reading world.

Here's their recent appearance at Wired promoting the new book:

Monday, February 09, 2009

William's Dog

Although I previously posted a picture of Jesse with our new dog Daisy, I think you all should know that she is William's dog. He is fully responsible for her daily care and feeding. This has been a trying experience, but William has been quite patient. Daisy apparently spent most of her former life out-of-doors, but now that she is an indoor dog she is not yet proficient in communicating her needs. Daisy is improving, but the progress is frustratingly slow. William spent a good portion of this afternoon with Miss Alice, a dog-loving lady from our church, who gave him encouragement and a good deal of helpful advice, too.

Here is a picture of William with Daisy taken during our most recent snow storm last week.

Friday, February 06, 2009

No Title Needed

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Currently my favorite bearded band is the Fleet Foxes. Michal got me their Record for Christmas which came with their Sun Giant EP. They recently performed for La Blogoteque in Paris, here is their Sun Giant / Blue Ridge Mountain video, Mom, I think you will like this:

You may remember this post from last October, also about the Foxes

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

New Address

No, Michal and I did not move again, our Blog has a new address! That's right, you might not have noticed, but you are now at (no more blogger in the address). Cool Eh?

William and Jesse Get Random

Since William and Jesse do not have Facebook sites, and knowing that you would be just as interested in their random lists as you have been in others', I assigned them each to write a "directed" but random list today. Each list contains at least one "idea" (something important to them), two "plans" for the future, and other assorted facts. I required them to create a list with as many points as their years of age.

Jesse's Random List
1. God and my family are the most important things to me.
2. When I grow up I want to be a soccer or football player.
3. I want to go ice skating.
4. I hate onions.
5. I like ice cream, especially orange sherbet.
6. I like my cat and my dog.
7. I like playing Clue.
8. I like playing "No Stress Chess".
9. I hate spinach.

William's Random List
1. I plan to go to Asia.
2. I plan to make cartoons, invent a Zelda game , and make movies when I grow up.
3. I like raw carrots.
4. I dislike salmon.
5. I plan to beat David in Call of Duty 4.
6. I believe Jesus died for my sins.
7. I plan to be confirmed and take Communion.
8. I have arachniphobia.
9. I like Clue.
10. Orange is my favorite color.
11. If there were no helicopters or any other rescue vehicles, and I was stranded on top of the Empire State Building and I could have one thing, I would wish for a hang glider.

News about Grandmom

Uncle Bill called Pop last night to tell him that Grandmom is in the hospital. She went in for her gall bladder, but the doctors have discovered that she has cancer of the pancreas and liver. They are predicting that she has 6 months to live. I don't know any details of her treatment, but since she expects to be released and return home on Wednesday I don't think they are planning to operate. Please pray that the Lord will use this circumstance to draw Grandmom to Himself (if she does not yet know Him) or closer (if she does). Pop plans to call his brother Bob to see if he is coming east to see Mum. If he is, Pop is thinking of going to North Carolina at the same time. I will keep you updated.

The Day the Music Died

50 years ago The Music died, but thanks to bands like Weezer, the music lives on...

Buddy Holly, 1936-1959, R.I.P.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Murder In The City

This is a song that Ben played for some of us on YouTube. It is by the Avett Brothers and it along with many of their other songs are worth checking out.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Better late than never...

Hopefully this isn't too late. If you are like me and there were only two reasons you were going to watch the Super Bowl today, well just saved us 4 hours of our life...