Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Animal Noises

Most of you know that Daniel loves making animal noises, some of his best have been the horse, a pig, and the turtle ("doggle doggle"?). Anyhow, neither Michal nor I know where he learned this one:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thanksgiving--not from scratch

Everyone is invited to come to Maryland for Thanksgiving dinner. Let me qualify that. I assume only family members are reading this blog. All the members of our family are welcome for Thanksgiving dinner. If you are reading this and would like to come, but are not a family member, let me know!

Anyway family--there are three things I want you to know (or to know from you).

First, this Thanksgiving dinner will not be entirely from scratch. I usually try to fix a home-made dinner (although I usually do use instant potatoes unless Peter is here), and I usually do the preparation all myself. But, this year I am certain that that much preparation would wear me out. So, I'm making it simple and making it easy. [However, be reassured, roasting a turkey is both simple and easy so there will be a real roasted turkey at the table.] I am accepting help of whatever sort is offered--from decorating the table, to doing the dishes, to bringing pie or cranberry sauce or appetizers. If you are coming and want to help, simply respond with a comment telling what you will do or bring.

Second, please Rsvp ASAP. If you are not coming for Thanksgiving but plan to come for Christmas, please let me know. If you are coming for Thanksgiving, but not for Christmas, please let me know. If you are unable to come for either holiday, please let me know. If you are coming for both--hurrah! This will aid me in completing my Christmas shopping.

Also, by way of reminder, I have declared that the gift exchange this year will include all individuals and families. Secrecy has been sacrificed for the sake of inclusivity. (I may have made up that word, but I thought its consonance sounded awesome in that sentence.) Let me remind you that Peter (and crew) have been assigned to buy/make a gift for Elisabeth, Matt and Emily have William, Ben (et al) have Jesse, Jon has Peter and family, Nate has Matt and Emily....just continue on down the line. Letting me know your holiday plans here will also allow all the others to know whether to send a gift or give it in person. If you need further information contact me directly.

Looking forward to a wonderful autumn and happy holidays.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Milestone

The Dlog has reached its 50th episode. On behalf of Peter and Dumb Dumb, I would like to personally invite you to head over to see the newest installment (http://dumbdumbdog.blogspot.com/). Many thanks to all who have given of themselves to make this possible so far. Dumb Dumb is heading off to Barbados for a few months, so it's unlikely that we'll hear from him for a while. Peter plans on editing a certain wedding video he's in possession of. I for one never rest and I plan on keeping at it... if you know what I mean?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


"You know,.... it's actually not that bad." - What Daniel is thinking in the movie above.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Julie and Julia

I believe "Julie" comes first in the title of this film, and I suppose the front story is about the contemporary woman who cooks her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year(and blogging about it). But the bigger, more compelling story is the one about the author of that cookbook, Julia Child. If you haven't seen this movie, I recommend that you go and see it--or put it at the top of your Netflix queue if you don't have the money.

The love story between Julia and her husband is tender, refreshing, and affectionate.
Dan Ackryod's SNL sketch is an hilarious charicature; Meryl Streep's performance is an affectionate, realistic portrayal of a large woman whose personality was also larger than life." (I don't know why Peter's affectionate "Cooking Julia" sketch of cooking baby fish food was not also included in this movie--it must have been lost on the cutting room floor.)

I saw this movie with Aunt Beth, Elisabeth and Jordan the day before my surgery. Everyone in the theater laughed at all the funny parts, although I believe I was laughing loudest. Pop went to see it by himself about a week later and also enjoyed it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

WIUX - Pure Student Radio

Some of you may remember plugging in those giant stereo headphones of Pops and listening to your favorite tape. I know I spent many an afternoon with those cups on my ears listening to the pure stereo sound of Toto, Genesis, Amy Grant and Michael Jackson. Now that I'm all grown up and am past caring what I look like with headphones, I own my own pair of stereo cups (though, not as big as the ones Pop had). I may be the biggest dork at work, but I love the great sound I get at my desk.

This brings me to the high quality online stream of WIUX. The local, student radio station, WIUX, plays all kinds of weird crap. Actually, most of it is junk, but sometimes you hit a run of Band of Horses, Arcade Fire, Andrew Bird, Beck, Radiohead and other bands that they don't play anywhere else. If you're local you can tune in to 99.1 FM, if not local, check the stream here.

Monday, September 14, 2009

New Music Monday - USoE

I know, this track has been out for a while, but the album is still a day away.

Matt sent me a link the other day to the Muse site where they were offering a free listen to the new album in it's entirety (for logged-in members, which I quickly became). In my opinion (and I know I will get a lot of flack for this), United States of Euroasia (+Collateral Damage) is the best track on this new album. I have always liked Muse for including classical piano interludes in their songs. Chopin's Nocturne in E-Flat Major works so well here that it almost sounds as if it were written for this song (I might also get shot for saying that too).

Anyhow, take a listen, compare it to Queen, and tell me what you think. Also, enjoy the album here } http://muse.mu/media-player/albums/47/the-resistance/# (once again, thanks Matt).

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

It's finally here!

The kids and I put together a little video in celebration of the release of The Beatles Rock Band game. I tried to get this up yesterday, but had some technical difficulties. Anyways, head over to Jude's blog to see the video, we hope you enjoy... http://judesmonkeyblog.blogspot.com

Monopoly - City Streets

Today is the first day of the largest Monopoly game in history [if it ever starts to work that is].

A new online game from Hasboro, Monopoly City Streets, goes online today and the registration process has been a pain. I have been hitting the refresh button over and over and when I finally got through, it played a little flash intro and stopped, I couldn't do anything (I think the navigation was hidden and I couldn't scroll to it).

Anyhow, the game is based in Google Maps and allows users to purchase any real estate (any street) in the world and then charge rent. You start off with 3 million Monopoly Bucks and, from what I've read, the game goes 'till January, making it not only the largest game (most players) but one of the longest (though, I think the board game averages 2 months to play and I personally have played one game that lasted 1 and a half years).

How many people will sign up? How many will play? That, obviously is yet to be seen, but one thing's for sure... if any of you are planning on building on any street that we have ever lived on... better think again... you'll be paying me rent! Bookbinder here I come!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Beck on Tuesday

Beck is, and has been for a long time, one of my favorite musicians. I remember Nate getting in trouble for a Beck track I included on a mix tape and I remember, just when it seemed Beck had hit the top, done everything, nothing new to add, he released Sea Change and started all over again. Sea Change is still my most listened to album by Beck, though Guero is close behind. I just ran across this version of the Loser video, adds a whole new meaning to the song:

Friday, September 04, 2009