Thursday, June 21, 2007

Just What I Always Wanted

I Love Donuts.
A long time ago I told Mom that I wanted to have the van when I grew up (the old red van we got in St. Louis), build a donut machine (out of wood) and sell "van-made" donuts out of the back of the van. I would still like to do this one day, that's how much I love donuts.

Well, maybe I don't need to figure out how to build that Wooden Donut Machine anymore, here is a spiffy medal donut robot that would do the trick.

Thanks to: Derick at LiveJournal

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Here We Come!

As I write, David is playing his final baseball game of the season (unless there's a rain delay). Stephen is watching the game. Thomas is at work. We've just finished supper at home and are polishing off the last of a delicious watermelon. All the bags are packed, but still need to be loaded in the van, and we're (almost) ready to go. Final checks need to be made. Are the windows all closed and locked? I need to give a house key to Amy who will be feeding Crumpet while we're gone.
Look out Indiana and Colorado---here we come!

Monday, June 18, 2007

On Top

I noticed that Ben recently posted his "ilike" score, so I thought it fitting to follow suit. They tell me that only two other people have achieved the rank of "Music Ninja", T-Bone Burnett and Quincy Jones. I guess that's not bad company to keep.

Friday, June 15, 2007


So I don't offen tell people that I am on Facebook, quite frankly, it's because I am embarrassed. However, they have put up two new things that make it worth talking about. One is the graffiti wall, this is really cool, and the second is the iLike Challenge. This game, previously played on the iPod, is really fun and really addicting (my goal is to get a higher ranking than Matt, I already passed David). Note in this picture that, even thought my percentage isn't that great (I have even missed Pearl Jam questions) my time is outstanding! 2.8 Second average... I rock!

For those of you who don't know, Facebook is an online "social" community... the embarrassing thing is that you have "friends" and the more "friends" you have the more "popular" you are (virtually speaking).

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Vacation Schedule

Here is the present (and therefore still tentative) schedule for our upcoming vacation/sabbatical. If you have any suggestions or alterations please let me know.

Tuesday, June 19 Leave home after David's baseball game
at approximately 9 pm--drive through the night
(Pop, Mom, Thomas, David, Stephen, Elisabeth, William, Jesse)

Wednesday, June 20 Arrive in Indiana in the morning
Hold Daniel

Wednesday-Sunday Play and visit in Bloomington
June 20-24 Celebrate Matt and Emily's engagement
Mom and Pop attend Errek and Bekah's wedding on Saturday

Monday-Wednesday Travel in a leisurely manner to Colorado
June 25-27 via Wyoming
(all of the above, including Pop, plus Jonathan and Nathaniel)

Wednesday-Sunday Play and visit in Colorado Springs
June 27-July 1 Celebrate Jesse's birthday

Monday-Tuesday Return to Bloomington (minus Pop)
July 2, 3

Wednesday-Sunday 4th of July in Bloomington
July 4-8 Church of the Good Shepherd Reunion

We're bringing two tents, sleeping bags and pillows, a queen size air mattress, several folding chairs (if they fit), and our own towels. Anything else??? We can do the grocery shopping when we arrive, and I will do all the cooking--if that would help. We're looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Friday, June 08, 2007


So I dug up some pictures from the last wedding I went to, which show a couple of people who are going to have the next wedding I'm looking forward to...

Congratulations Matt and Emily! It's great news to hear that Matt not only proposed, but Emily said "yes". It's so good when it works out that way. I am truly excited about this, and if you know me at all, being excited about anything, especially a wedding is a big deal. So, Matt and Emily, I hope that all the planning and decisions go smoothly, and I hope that your life together is a great experience. Also, I already know one of the songs that's going to make it into the wedding video for you both. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

I could end this posting right there, but there just seems to be so much to be excited about, I just want to keep on going... It was recently Daniel, Matt, Jon and Thomas' birthdays. Happy Birthday to all of you. It kind of sucks that we only have one birthday a year, because it's nice to have that cell phone alarm ring and let me know it's time to give one of you a call. Maybe that's my fault, I should like program alarms to call for all sorts of reasons. Like Nate might get a call because they're showing "Iron Eagle 3: Bird of Prey" on TBS, and I know that's why he joined the Air Force. Or Ben gets a call because I was watching "Return of the Jedi" (It's just such a sweet movie). Or I call up Mom because I just burned my steamed vegetables, again. Anyways, I hope you all had happy birthdays, and if it's not your birthday, I hope you had happy unbirthdays!

There is one more thing I am excited about and want to spend some time talking about. There are only two and a half days left in the Halo 3 Beta, and boy has it been awesome. I have played a grand total of 159 games, gotten 1166 kills, 626 assists and an amazing 1896 deaths. I've reached the rank of Sergeant and attained level 11. Now this all probably means nothing to you, but you may have noticed that I died almost twice as much as I inflicted death. This I think speaks to my true character, and I am ultimately a very nice person. Let me share with you the stats of the top Halo 3 player: "SmokedYeti" has played 1196 games, gotten 20957 kills, 4865 assists and only 9022 deaths. He has reached the rank of a 3 star General. Now I must admit that I have respect for this guy and it would be cool to play against him, or even better be on his team for a while. At the same time, he probably hasn't been to work much in the past two weeks, and I bet he smells funny and is a little grumpy by now. Also the amount of Mountain Dew it must take to support this ranking is scary. All that aside, the Halo 3 Beta is sweet and the full game is going to be even better. The best level of the Beta is "Valhalla" which is a good sized (Aprox 3/4 miles by 1/4 mile) map, with two bases (one at either end) and a small river running right down the middle. Plenty of cover, but also a lot of open ground to cover. It's great for vehicles, sniping and my favorite the gatling gun. Give me the gatling gun and a group of five or six enemies, thinking that they're in the clear, priceless.

Oh yeah, also in a couple of weeks I get to see a whole bunch of other Crums, so I'm excited about that too.