Friday, October 26, 2007

New Orleans

Today I write to you, my eager? readers, from the city of New Orleans. It's actually Kenner, but who knows where that is! I am sitting in a camper posting on Tom's computer. He and the rest of his group are out working and I am not. The past few days I joined them as we did little jobs here and there around the city's dissaster areas. But, I am on leave for just a week and I needed some rest. So as they slave out in the elements, I recover here in the confinds of this home on wheels.
The story of what we did over the past few days is for another time. I have to get somthing else off my chest...
I am stuck in a camper, it's noon, I have no car, and I am hungry. That's it! That's what I am thinking about. This is what you have just wasted your time reading about. I am HUNGRY! I think I just might order a pizza to the church or somthing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Short Story

by Benjamin Crum

The doorbell rang.
"I'll get" said Harry as he rose slowly from his arm chair.

A fire crackled and danced on the hearth. A Bach concerto floated wistfully in the air from some unknown recess upstairs. It was one of those crisp early-winter days when you don't want to roll out of bed.

A short, stout man was on the doorstep. "G'day" he said in a quick, yet kind sort of way. "Might I 'ave an moment of your time?"

Harry rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. Oh how he wished he could simply vanish at times like these. Or better yet, how he wished he could make others vanish, make them just go away.

"Sorry" he said, trying to think of a really good excuse, "I, uh, that is..." Nothing came to mind. Perhaps it was the cold air on his face mixed with the warm, beckoning fire at his back, Harry could think of nothing to say.

"It'll take but an moment" the man reassured. Harry hadn't noticed the man inching his way closer and closer. The man was nearly standing on Harry's slippered feet. In times past Harry would have been on his guard. In his quick-witted youth he would have been able to sense, to smell the very grave danger he was in. He would have reacted in a flash, perhaps even a blinding flash. But now, middle aged and lazy, his mind was preoccupied with the life of routines, chores, work, and mortgage payments. Where once he thought of his next great adventure, now he only thought of his next TV-dinner or the next season of Lost.

Harry fell to the floor. He hadn't even had time to hear the shot. It all happened so fast and as he looked down on himself, seeing the short man step over him, he thought "so this is it, this is the end of my tale... this is the end of Mr. Harry Potter?" His eyes closed, and all was dark, cold and dark.

I have never read more than one chapter of a Harry Potter book. I thought, though, that you fans may want some closure. I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Like a Rolling Stone

So the idea here is to find as many bands represented as possible [click here to see the full sized image].

Then check the comments to see if you missed any (or found any more!)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The First Record (Red Album)

The First Record of the Red Album from The Beatles.

For those of you wondering, Papa asked me to remove his posts.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wouldn't it be Sweet?

Part One:

I just wrote a response on Jon's blog about the nature of alien life, something we have all pondered long and hard about. So I pose this question: Wouldn't it be sweet if aliens were solar powered via their photovoltaic eyes?

Note Well: This image is not meant to be an accurate representation of sun dwelling aliens but rather a conceptual sketch of what solar-eyes might be like. Notice that this alien does not have a mouth as he/she/it consumes all necessary energy and sustenance via the sun's rays.

Monday, October 01, 2007


For those of you who don't know... I'm guessing all of you... Jon has embarked on an ambitious roadtrip across America (or, at least across the blog-sphere). Read about his adventures on his all-new-and-improved blog.