Sunday, December 31, 2006

End of Year Video

This really has nothing to do with the end of 2006 except that I made this with my new video camera and will be doing more of this in the year to come. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

More of my videos appear on Google Video

Friday, December 29, 2006


This might be another good time to discuss my theory on how snow is a direct result of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, but rather I thought I would talk about the benefits of snow:

Snow in Colorado is almost always powdery. This is not good for snowballs or for snowmen, but it is great for shoveling. It's almost like no work at all. The last two winters I didn't even have a shovel, I merely swept our porch, sidewalk and driveway. This year I carry a shovel in my Pathfinder for work, so I've been breaking it out to shovel the above mentioned surfaces. I'm not going to go so far as to say I enjoy the act of snow removal, but there's worse things one could be doing. I guess it's just nice for a break from sitting around inside all day, to actually get outside and do some physical labor.

I really didn't list a benefit of snow, perhaps looking at snow is it's only benefit. How can a result of an act of disobedience be so beautiful. Maybe it's like a painting by a convict, or a quilt by a lawyer. We should just appreciate it for what it is, and not ask too many questions.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Jon's Blog Must Die

Hello Everyone,
Just getting back from Africa the last thing I want is to start a fight... wait, check that. Just getting back from Africa the thing that I want to do more than anything else is start a fight. So here goes: As I was catching up on the goings-on in the Crum family I did what any good brother and son would do, I looked at your blogs. I found out that Matt has a cool Christmas sweater that plays music by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and that Mom now realizes that no matter how bad of students we were as kids, at least she could spank us. This brings me to my point, Jon needs some serious discipline. I mean, how am I supposed to know what is going on in your life if I can't read it in a public forum?

I think that explains it. As we all know Jon has been uttering thoughts non-stop for the past four or five years. I knew that eventually he would run out of thoughts and I guess that day has come. Here's a tip Jon, blogs are not actually intended to be "thought depositories" (not to be confused with "thought suppo..." never mind). Just recycle things that other people say, neglect to site your source, and claim it as a new "idea" or thought and bingo, you have a blog. case in point.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Wow, 11 o'clock and I'm the first one to post a "Merry Christmas". Either you all are sleeping in or I am a loser who is posting on Christmas. Anyway, I hope you all (Crums, not other people reading this blog) have a great Christmas and I'll see some of you soon.

PS: click here to see one of Michal's presents.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Midwest Farmer's Daughters

Hello, All!

I do believe (I may be wrong) that this is the first post I have ever contributed to the Crum Family Blog. I got online yesterday and caught up on the last four months of posts (which wasn't much). Well, here we are. Back in the USA after four months in South Africa. We are happy to be home, eating normal foods, enjoying good cold weather, and surfing the web. Ben and I were singing the Beach Boys a few weeks ago, pining the good ol' U.S. of A. and I had to complain about the line about the "midwest farmer's daughters really make me feel alright..." I'd much rather be a northern or a southern girl. Anyway, I think this blog rivals Nates' in random rambling. I love you all.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Movies (without Popcorn)

Just a quick note: If you want to watch a lot of movies in one sitting, fly over the Atlantic in an Airbus A330. On Michal and my flight to South Africa we were booked on two 747s, the first from Chicago to Amsterdam and the next from Amsterdam to Johannesburg. On the way home, though, we were put on an Airbus, a much newer plane with video screens built in to the back of the headrests. We had remote controls built in to our arm rest with which we could select movies, music and games to entertain ourselves. I must admit, I watched four movies on that flight. Granted, it was a 10+ hour flight, but still, that's a lot of movies. The Illusionist was good (actually, I really enjoyed it), Invincible was fun, Little Miss Sunshine was funny in that sick kind of timid "ha, ha" way, and Wicker Man was stupid with good acting. Anyway, I'm home now and unlike Peter and Nate, I think I have met my movie quota for a while.

It's In The Mail

It's been six months in the making, and the wait is almost over. Of course your last name has to be Crum in order to recieve a first-run copy, so if you're not a Crum, seek one out and slip him/her a fiver, because this one's a keeper.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Multimedia Dad

Here are some cool pictures I found (and created) that include someone you should recognize. Of course it's Pop!! When he came to visit a few months ago, Jon showed us a book he had with Pop's picture on the cover. Pop told me about a Big & Rich video "8th of November" that had his picture in it and also said that there was a video series on the Vietnam War that had his picture on the cover. I did some research and found the VHS cover and also downloaded the B&R video and made a screen shot of the scene with Pop's picture. Enjoy.