Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Jon's Blog Must Die

Hello Everyone,
Just getting back from Africa the last thing I want is to start a fight... wait, check that. Just getting back from Africa the thing that I want to do more than anything else is start a fight. So here goes: As I was catching up on the goings-on in the Crum family I did what any good brother and son would do, I looked at your blogs. I found out that Matt has a cool Christmas sweater that plays music by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and that Mom now realizes that no matter how bad of students we were as kids, at least she could spank us. This brings me to my point, Jon needs some serious discipline. I mean, how am I supposed to know what is going on in your life if I can't read it in a public forum?

I think that explains it. As we all know Jon has been uttering thoughts non-stop for the past four or five years. I knew that eventually he would run out of thoughts and I guess that day has come. Here's a tip Jon, blogs are not actually intended to be "thought depositories" (not to be confused with "thought suppo..." never mind). Just recycle things that other people say, neglect to site your source, and claim it as a new "idea" or thought and bingo, you have a blog. case in point.


mom said...

I do think it's appropriate (those who don't understand the meaning of the word would say it's "ironic") that Jon's last entry is entitled something like "Where's Johnny Now?" I think we have been wondering the same thing about him (and his thoughts) for a long time now. Use it or lose it, Jon.

mom said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that Mom's comment was ironic, in more ways than one.

Edwardo Crum said...

Perhaps if blogs were not such a base way of expressing one's self, we would find that more interesting people would actually blog. I mean seriously, the crap that's out there almost has made me give up on blogging. I understand that some may have begun blogging, but really! Now they have far better things to be doing with their time and more interesting (and personal) ways of expressing their thoughts and ideas. Of course my ideas are so important and profound that it would be a crime to withhold them from all of you. With that in mind, head on over to my blogsite and read it. You'll be doing everyone a favor.