This post could very easily be all over the map, so I'm going to do my best to be organized and concise as possible.
In 2007 I officially became old, and I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with that. No matter how I approach it, 30 is old. I remember Mom and Pop watching the show 'Thirtysomething' back when I was a kid, and I thought it was terribly sad. Then, the other week I noticed something in the mirror; a white hair in my beard. I'm not sure wether I think it's cool, or very depressing. Then I realize that just by allowing myself to think it might be cool makes me even older. Now some of you have passed the point of no return and are already old like me and therefore are beyond help. For all those younger than me, please, I implore you, don't take youth for granted.
In 2008 I get to be there for my brother Matt's wedding, and it's going to be sweet. I'm sure that like me and the family out here in Colorado, the rest of you have got a busy year ahead. Even if it doesn't look busy now, it'll fill up pretty quickly. What is great though is that we have this central event looming just over the horizon, a time to celebrate together, there in Indiana wih Matt and Emily. 'm pretty excited, this ranks up there with going to Disneyland.
I made one New Year's resolution, and unless you really know me it probably won't make sense. I have commited to avoid those upcoming movie discussion/spoiler websites. I want to see what it's like to watch a movie like an everyday, average person. Someone who says; "There's a new Batman movie out? Alright let's go see that sometime..." Instead of my typical; "Ya, I saw the new Christopher Nolan Batman film last night at midnight. It wasn't quite what I had hoped for, but then how could it cosidering that they couldn't get Katie Holmes to do the sequel because Tom is intimidated by Christian Bale". Now I'm not saying I won't be super excited about certain movies, I'm just trying to cut back on the geekiness.
In closing, although white facial hair, Matt's wedding and Batman are first and foremost in today's blog, I just wanted to say that I love reading all the family's posts and learning more about you all. In this new year hopefully there will be positive changes with our family out here in Colorado, and as always I ask for your prayers and support. Know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers, and we're looking forward to seeing you soon.
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